I’m not sure how we do it, but we seem to attract the best couples ever. I love when a future bride reaches out to us and has a really exciting idea for photography. Science fiction buffs and Doctor Who super fans, Stefanie and Adam are planning a science fiction themed wedding for 2015, and wanted a Doctor Who engagement shoot, with photos inspired by specific episodes to use for their wedding tables. And if this wasn’t amazing enough on it’s own, the location they wanted was famed Asbury Park. It was a Black, White and Raw dream shoot. Admittedly, I’m no Whovian, and it was more than a little intimidating, but Paul has been a fan for years and shooting in Asbury Park is always a joy.
Paul and I love shoots most when they are true collaborations, no matter what the project. So when Stefanie sent me an extensive list of inspirations from scenes that she wanted to re-create, I couldn’t have been any more thrilled. Her goal was to shoot several different doctors and Who babes from some of their favorite episodes. The list was amazing. 14 different scenes with a photo, characters, wardrobe, props needed and location ideas. I was somewhat terrified I’d screw it up. I had no idea what a sonic screwdriver was, or why there was a big blue phone booth everywhere. There were robot thingies, and different lead characters, and I had no idea what any of it was. But Paul seemed to speak this bizarre language, and we decided to surprise them by having him photoshop a few, just for fun.
After several weeks of Netflicking Doctor Who for weekend marathons, and creating a cheap DIY ice light to play with, we met our couple on a windy and frigidly cold day on the beach in Asbury Park. Stephanie and Adam were armed with a car full of looks, and we worked our way from the abandoned carousel, to the old casino, the boardwalk, the beach and the convention center, and attempted what felt like every combo from the first episode to the tenth doctor and Amy. Our couple braving the cold to run, climb and dodge imaginary Daleks and weeping angels, and helplessly watching our props get blown down the beach. We had a great time, and found a great use for Paul’s cool photoshop stuff. This is one wedding, I cannot wait for!
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